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Alipay Service Window H5

Alipay H5 process-flow

For code instructions select Python, Java, Node.js or PHP with the tabs below.

import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse, hashlib
import requests
import datetime
import string

# Enter Client Credentials
environment = ''
app_code = 'D5589D2A1F2E42A9A60C37*********'
client_key = '0E32A59A8B454940A2FF39**********'

# Create parameter values for data payload
current_time =


# Create signature
def make_req_sign(data, key):
keys = list(data.keys())
p = []
for k in keys:
v = data[k]
unsign_str = ('&'.join(p) + key).encode("utf-8")
s = hashlib.md5(unsign_str).hexdigest()
return s.upper()

# Body payload
txamt = '10' #In USD,EUR,etc. Cent
txcurrcd = 'HKD'
pay_type = '801107' # Alipay Wap Payment = 801107
auth_code='283854702356157409' #CPM only
out_trade_no = '01234567890123'
txdtm = current_time
goods_name = 'test1'
mchid = 'ZaMVg*****'
key = client_key

#data ={'txamt': txamt, 'txcurrcd': txcurrcd, 'pay_type': pay_type, 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, 'txdtm': txdtm, 'goods_name': goods_name, 'mchid': mchid}
data ={'txamt': txamt, 'txcurrcd': txcurrcd, 'pay_type': pay_type, 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, 'txdtm': txdtm, 'mchid': mchid}

r ="/trade/v1/payment",data=data,headers={'X-QF-APPCODE':app_code,'X-QF-SIGN':make_req_sign(data, key)})


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"sysdtm": "2020-04-13 11:32:03",
"paydtm": "2020-04-13 11:32:03",
"txcurrcd": "HKD",
"respmsg": "",
"pay_type": "801107",
"cardcd": "",
"udid": "qiantai2",
"txdtm": "2020-04-13 11:32:03",
"txamt": "300",
"resperr": "success",
"syssn": "20200413000200020087171988",
"respcd": "0000",
"pay_url": "",
"chnlsn": ""

Alipay Service Window H5 Payment (WAP)

Alipay Service Window H5 Payment enables merchants to call the Alipay payment module by using the JSAPI interface to collect payments. The customer checks out on the merchant's mobile website in Alipay, confirms the total amount and makes the payment.

HTTP Request

Endpoint : /trade/v1/payment

Method : POST

PayType : 800107

Step 1: Get User ID For more details about how to acquire the user id please refer to the official Alipay documentation.

Step 2: Request Payment

Payment Parameters

Public request parametersPlease refer to the Public Payment Section for more details
openidYesString(64)Alipay authorization code, the user_id is returned by the interface, e.g. 2088802811715388
return_urlNoString(512)Redirect URL, address for user redirect after successful payment
limit_payNoStringDesignated payment method, only applicable for mainland China

Response Parameters

AttributeSecondary AttributeTypeDescription
pay_paramstradeNOStringTransaction number, provide the transaction number in the call function
txcurrcdString(3)Transaction currency. View the Currencies table for a complete list of available currencies
Public response parametersPlease refer to the Public Payment Section for more details

Step 3: Payout through the cashout interface For more information regarding the cashout interface please refer to the official Alipay documentation.