Payment Methods
Verify that your API credentials allow for the selected pay_type
Code | Description |
800008 | Consumer Present QR Code Mode (CPM) for WeChat, Alipay, UNIONPAY Quick Pass, PayMe |
800101 | Alipay Merchant Presented QR Code Payment in store (MPM) (Overseas Merchants) |
800108 | Alipay Consumer Presented QR Code Payment (CPM) (Overseas & HK Merchants) |
801101 | Alipay Online WEB (in browser Chrome etc.) Payment (Overseas Merchants) ** |
801107 | Alipay Online WAP (in mobile browser Chrome etc.) Payment (Overseas Merchants) |
801110 | Alipay in-APP Payments (Overseas Merchants) |
800107 | Alipay Service Window H5 Payment (in Alipay APP H5 payments) |
801501 | Alipay Merchant Presented QR Code (MPM) Payment (HK Merchants) |
801510 | Alipay In-App Payment (HK Merchants) |
801512 | Alipay Online WAP Payment (HK Merchants) |
801514 | Alipay Online WEB Payment (HK Merchants) |
800201 | WeChat Merchant Presented QR Code Payment (MPM) (Overseas & HK Merchants) |
800208 | WeChat Consumer Presented QR Code Payment (CPM) (Overseas & HK Merchants) |
800207 | WeChat JSAPI Payment - WeChat Official Account Payment (in Wechat App)(Overseas & HK Merchants) |
800212 | WeChat H5 Payment (In mobile browser) |
800210 | WeChat in-APP Payment (Overseas & HK Merchants) |
800213 | WeChat Mini-Program Payment (Overseas & HK Merchants) |
801008 | WeChat Pay HK Consumer Presented QR Code Payment (CPM) (Direct Settlement, HK Merchants) |
801010 | WeChat Pay HK In-App Payment (Direct Settlement, HK Merchants) |
805801 | PayMe Merchant Presented QR Code Payment in store (MPM) (HK Merchants) |
805808 | PayMe Consumer Presented QR Code Payment (CPM) (HK Merchants) |
805814 | PayMe Online WEB (in browser Chrome etc.) Payment (HK Merchants) |
805812 | PayMe Online WAP (in mobile browser Chrome etc.) Payment (HK Merchants) |
800701 | UNIONPAY Quick Pass Merchant Presented QR Code Payment (MPM) |
800708 | UNIONPAY Quick Pass Consumer Presented QR Code Payment (CPM) |
800712 | UNIONPAY WAP Payment (HK Merchants) |
800714 | UNIONPAY PC-Web Payment (HK Merchants) |
802001 | FPS Merchant Presented QR Code Payment (MPM) (HK Merchants)*** |
803701 | Octopus dynamic QRC Payment - Merchant Present Mode (MPM) (HK Merchants) |
803712 | Octopus WAP Payment (HK Merchants) |
803714 | Octopus PC-Web Payment (HK Merchants) |
802801 | Visa / Mastercard Online Payments |
802808 | Visa / Mastercard Offline Payments |
806527 | ApplePay Online Payments |
806708 | UnionPay Card Offline Payments |
806808 | American Express Card Offline Payments |
- Differently from Public Payment Parameters,
is a mandatory request parameter. web_url
parameter in response contains the payment url.
- Transaction amount must be greater than 1 HKD.
- Payment method does not support refunds.
- Please refer to this section for payment request and response.
The below listed currencies are currently available in our payment network. Please consult
to verify that your API credentials and selected pay_type
support your desired currency.
Code | Description |
AED | Arab Emirates Dirham |
CNY | Chinese Yuan |
EUR | Euro |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar |
IDR | Indonesian Rupiah |
JPY | Japanese Yen |
MMK | Myanmar Kyat |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit |
SGD | Singapore Dollar |
THB | Thai Baht |
USD | United States Dollar |
CAD | Canadian Dollar |
AUD | Australian Dollar |
API Endpoint for Payments
Remember to immediately refund transactions that were made in the sandbox environment.
If you would like to quickly test the payment function in Postman we provide a collection that includes a pre-request script to generate the signature, download the file from here: Payment Request in Postman
Request Header:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
X-QF-APPCODE: D5589D2A1F2E42A9A60C37**********
X-QF-SIGN: 6FB43AC29175B4602FF95F8332028F19
Request Body:
mchid=ZaMVg*****&out_trade_no=01234567890123&pay_type=800101&txamt=10&txcurrcd=EUR&txdtm=2019-12-25 14:21:28
- Python
- Java
- Javascript
- Php
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse, hashlib
import requests
import datetime
import string
# Enter Client Credentials
environment = ''
app_code = 'D5589D2A1F2E42A9A60C37*********'
client_key = '0E32A59A8B454940A2FF39**********'
# Create parameter values for data payload
current_time =
# Create signature
def make_req_sign(data, key):
keys = list(data.keys())
p = []
for k in keys:
v = data[k]
unsign_str = ('&'.join(p) + key).encode("utf-8")
s = hashlib.md5(unsign_str).hexdigest()
return s.upper()
# Body payload
txamt = '10' #In USD,EUR,etc. Cent. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control.
txcurrcd = 'HKD'
pay_type = '800101' # Alipay CPM = 800108 , MPM = 800101
auth_code='283854702356157409' #CPM only
out_trade_no = '01234567890123'
txdtm = current_time
goods_name = 'test1'
auth_code = '280438849930815813'
mchid = 'ZaMVg*****'
notify_url = ''
key = client_key
#data ={'txamt': txamt, 'txcurrcd': txcurrcd, 'pay_type': pay_type, 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, 'txdtm': txdtm, 'goods_name': goods_name, 'udid': udid, 'auth_code': auth_code, 'mchid': mchid, 'notify_url': notify_url}
data ={'txamt': txamt, 'txcurrcd': txcurrcd, 'pay_type': pay_type, 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, 'txdtm': txdtm, 'mchid': mchid}
r ="/trade/v1/payment",data=data,headers={'X-QF-APPCODE':app_code,'X-QF-SIGN':make_req_sign(data, key)})
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestMain {
public static void main(String args[]){
String appcode="D5589D2A1F2E42A9A60C37*********";
String key="0E32A59A8B454940A2FF39*********";
String mchid="ZaMVg*****";
String pay_type="800101";
String out_trade_no= "01234567890123";
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String date=df.format(new Date());
String txdtm=date;
String txamt="10";
String txcurrcd="EUR";
Map<String, String> unsortMap = new HashMap<>();
unsortMap.put("mchid", mchid);
unsortMap.put("pay_type", pay_type);
unsortMap.put("out_trade_no", out_trade_no);
unsortMap.put("txdtm", txdtm);
unsortMap.put("txamt", txamt);
unsortMap.put("txcurrcd", txcurrcd);
//unsortMap.put("product_name", product_name);
//unsortMap.put("valid_time", "300");
String data=QFPayUtils.getDataString(unsortMap);
String md5Sum=QFPayUtils.getMd5Value(data+key);
System.out.println("Md5 Value:\n"+md5Sum);
String url="";
String resp= Requests.sendPostRequest(url+"/trade/v1/payment", data, appcode,key);
// Enter Client Credentials
const environment = ''
const app_code = 'D5589D2A1F2E42A9A60C37*********'
const client_key = '0E32A59A8B454940A2FF39*********'
// Generate Timestamp
var dateTime = new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, '')
// Body Payload
const key = client_key
var tradenumber = String(Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000))
var payload = {
'txamt': '10', // In USD,EUR,etc. Cent. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control.
'txcurrcd': 'HKD',
'pay_type': '800101', // Alipay CPM = 800108 , MPM = 800101
'out_trade_no': tradenumber,
'txdtm': dateTime,
'mchid': 'ZaMVg*****'
// Signature Generation
const ordered = {};
Object.keys(payload).sort().forEach(function(key) {
ordered[key] = payload[key] });
var str = [];
for (var p in ordered)
if (ordered.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str.push((p) + "=" + (ordered[p]));
var string = str.join("&")+client_key;
const crypto = require('crypto')
var hashed = crypto.createHash('md5').update(string).digest('hex')
// API Request
var request = require("request");
uri: environment+"/trade/v1/payment",
headers: {
'X-QF-APPCODE': app_code,
'X-QF-SIGN': hashed
method: "POST",
form: payload,
function(error, response, body) {
function GetRandStr($length){
$randstr .= $str[$num];
return $randstr;
$url = '';
$api_type = '/trade/v1/payment';
$pay_type = '800101';
//$mchid = "MNxMp11FV35qQN"; //Only agents must provide this parameter
$app_code = 'FF2FF74F2F2E42769A4A73*********'; //API credentials are provided by QFPay
$app_key = '7BE791E0FD2E48E6926043B*********'; //API credentials are provided by QFPay
$now_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //Get current date-time
$fields_string = '';
$fields = array(
//'mchid' => urlencode($mchid),
'pay_type' => urlencode($pay_type),
'out_trade_no' => urlencode(GetRandStr(20)),
'txcurrcd' => urlencode('HKD'),
'txamt' => urlencode(2200),
'txdtm' => $now_time
ksort($fields); //Ascending dictionary sorting A-Z
foreach($fields as $key=>$value) {
$fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&' ;
$fields_string = substr($fields_string , 0 , strlen($fields_string) - 1);
$sign = strtoupper(md5($fields_string . $app_key));
//// Header ////
$header = array();
$header[] = 'X-QF-APPCODE: ' . $app_code;
$header[] = 'X-QF-SIGN: ' . $sign;
//Post Data
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $api_type);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$final_data = json_decode($output, true);
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"txdtm": "2019-12-25 14:21:28",
"qrcode": "",
"pay_type": "800101",
"resperr": "success",
"out_trade_no": "01234567890123",
"syssn": "20191225000200020060996533",
"sysdtm": "2019-12-25 14:22:37",
"paydtm": "2019-12-25 14:22:37",
"txcurrcd": "EUR",
"respmsg": "",
"cardcd": "",
"udid": "qiantai2",
"txamt": "10",
"respcd": "0000",
"chnlsn": ""
HTTP Request
POST ../trade/v1/payment
Listed below are the most common parameters for the payment endpoint. Please refer to the payment scenario applicable to you for additional parameters.
Public Payment Request Parameters
Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
txamt | Yes | Int(11) | Amount of the transaction. Unit in cents (i.e. 100 = $1). Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control. |
txcurrcd | Yes | String(3) | Transaction currency. View the Currencies table for a complete list of available currencies |
pay_type | Yes | String(6) | Please refer to the section Payment Codes for a complete list of payment types |
out_trade_no | Yes | String(128) | External transaction number / Merchant platform transaction number: This parameter must be unique for each payment and refund request under the same merchant account in the system. |
txdtm | Yes | String(20) | Transaction time format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
auth_code | Yes (CPM only) | String(128) | Specifies the authorization code for scanning a barcode/QR Code. The auth_code returned is unique in each authorization. Each auth_code can be used only once and will automatically expire in one day. For testing CPM with Alipay and WeChat Pay the auth_code can be extracted with any QRC reader or manually found in the consumer wallet below the barcode. |
expired_time | No (MPM only) | String(3) | QRC expiration time in unit minutes. The default expiration time is 30 minutes. The parameter can manually be adjusted to a minimum of 5 minutes, and up to a maximum of 120 minutes. Available for: 800201 - WeChat scan code 800101 - Alipay scan code 801512 - Alipay Hong Kong WAP payment 801501 - Alipay Hong Kong scan code 801107 - Alipay overseas WAP payment 801101 - Alipay overseas scan code 801010 - WeChat Hong Kong APP 801510 - Alipay Hong Kong APP |
goods_name | No | String(64) | Goods Name / Marking: Cannot exceed 20 alphanumeric or contain special characters. Cannot be empty for app payment. Parameter needs to be UTF-8 encoded if it is written in Chinese characters. |
mchid | No | String(16) | May or may not be given to merchant. If MCHID is given, it is mandatory to provide the MCHID .On the contrary, if MCHID is not provided, merchants shall not pass in the MCHID parameter in the API request. |
txzone | No | String(5) | Transaction Time zone. Default time zone is Beijing time UTC+8 (+0800). |
udid | No | String(40) | Unique transaction device ID displayed on the merchant portal. |
notify_url | No | String(256) | URL where asynchronous notificiations will be sent to upon payment completion. |
Public Payment Response Parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
pay_type | String(6) | Please refer to the section Payment Codes for a complete list of payment types |
sysdtm | String(20) | Format:YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss This parameter value is used as the cut-off time for settlements. |
txdtm | String(20) | Format:YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
resperr | String(128) | Request result description |
txamt | Int(11) | Amount of the transaction. |
respmsg | String(128) | Supplementary response description |
out_trade_no | String(128) | External transaction number |
syssn | String(40) | QFPay internal transaction number (unique) |
chnlsn | String | Wallet/Channel transaction number |
respcd | String(4) | 0000 = Request successful. 1143/1145 = merchants are required to continue to query the transaction result. All other return codes indicate transaction failure. Please refer to the page Transaction Status Codes for a complete list of response codes. |
Transaction Status Codes
Return code | Description |
0000 | Transaction successful |
1100 | System under maintenance (1100) |
1101 | Reversal error (1101) |
1102 | Duplicate request (1102) |
1103 | Request format error (1103) |
1104 | Request parameter error (1104) |
1105 | Device not activated (1105) |
1106 | Invalid device (1106) |
1107 | Device not allowed (1107) |
1108 | Signature error (1108) |
1125 | Transaction has been refunded already (1125) |
1136 | The transaction does not exist or is not operational (1136) |
1142 | Order already closed (1142) |
1143 | The order has not been paid for, the password is currently being entered (1143) |
1145 | Please wait while processing (1145) |
1147 | Wechat pay transaction error (1147) |
1150 | Your billing method is T0 and does not support canceling transactions. (1150) |
1155 | Refund request denied (1155) |
1181 | Order expired (1181) |
1201 | Insufficient balance, please use a different payment method (1201) |
1202 | Incorrect or expired payment code, please show the correct payment code or refresh the payment code and retry (1202) |
1203 | Merchant account error, confirm that the payment account is configured correctly (1203) |
1204 | Bank error, confirm that the payment wallet is functionable (1204) |
1205 | The transaction failed. Please try again later (1205) |
1212 | Please use the UnionPay overseas payment code (1212) |
1241 | The store does not exist or the status is incorrect. Do not conduct payments (1241) |
1242 | The store has not been configured correctly, unable to conduct payments (1242) |
1243 | The store has been disabled. Do not conduct payments, contact the owner to confirm (1243) |
1250 | The transaction is forbidden. For more information please contact QFPay Customer Service Team (1250) |
1251 | The store has not been configured correctly, we are currently working to fix this problem (1251) |
1252 | System error when making the order request (1252) |
1254 | A problem occured. We are currently resolving the issue (1254) |
1260 | The order has already been paid for, please confirm the transaction result before conducting more transactions (1260) |
1261 | The order has not been paid for, please confirm the transaction result before conducting more transactions (1261) |
1262 | The order has been refunded, please confirm the order status before conducting more transactions (1262) |
1263 | The order has been cancelled, please confirm the order status before conducting more transactions (1263) |
1264 | The order has been closed, please confirm the order status before conducting more transactions (1264) |
1265 | The transaction cannot be refunded. Refunds for transactions between 11:30pm to 0:30am and special promotions cannot be processed. (1265) |
1266 | The transaction amount is wrong, please confirm the order status (1266) |
1267 | The order information does not match, please confirm the order status (1267) |
1268 | The order does not exist, please confirm the order status (1268) |
1269 | Today's unsettled transaction amount is insufficient. Refunds cannot be processed. Please confirm that the balance is sufficient (1269) |
1270 | This currency does not support partial refunds (1270) |
1271 | The selected transaction does not support partial refunds (1271) |
1272 | The refund amount is greater than the maximum amount that can be refunded for the original transaction (1272) |
1294 | The transaction may be non-compliant and has been prohibited by the bank (1294) |
1295 | The connection is slow, waiting for a network response (1295) |
1296 | The connection is slow, waiting for a network response. Please try again later or use other payment methods (1296) |
1297 | The banking system is busy. Please try again later or use other payment methods (1297) |
1298 | The connection is slow, waiting for a network response. In case you have already paid, do not repeat the payment. Please confirm the result later (1298) |
2005 | The customer payment code is incorrect or has expired, please refresh and restart the transaction process (2005) |
2011 | Transaction serial number repeats (2011) |