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Element SDK

Element Sequence diagram

create your own checkout flows by using QFPay prebuilt UI components

import JS library

// sanbox environment
<script src=""></script>
// live test environment
<script src=""></script>
// production environment
<script src=""></script>

Code examples

1.payment mode

1.1 credit card form (visa/mastercard)

// initialize qfpay object
const qfpay = QFpay.config()

// initialize payment object
const payment = qfpay.payment()

// set payment related parameters{
goods_name: "goods",
paysource: "payment_element"
}, "e487a02e3e1143e482db765ccec63d58")

// initialize element object and generate card form
const elements = qfpay.element()
selector: "#container"

// trigger card form submission and receive payment response
const response = qfpay.confirmPayment({
return_url: ''

1.2 complete payment function including credit card form, Alipay HK, Alipay CN, WechatPay, QuickPass, FPS, Payme etc

// initialize qfpay object
const qfpay = QFpay.config()

// initialize payment object
const payment = qfpay.payment()

// validate payment intent valye

// set payment parameters
lang: 'zh-cn',
goods_info: 'goods_info',
goods_name: "goods_name",
paysource: "payment_element_checkout",
out_trade_no: intentParams.out_trade_no,
txamt: intentParams.txamt,
txcurrcd: intentParams.txcurrcd,
support_pay_type: ['Alipay', 'WeChat', 'UnionPay', 'AlipayHK',
'FPS', 'VisaMasterCardPayment', 'ApplePay', 'VisaMasterCardPreAuth']
// initalize element object and create wallet list
const appearance = {
variables: {
colourComponentText: 'black',
colorQRCodeTopPromptContent: '#000000',
colorQRCodeBottomPromptContent: '#000000',
fontWeightQRCodeTopPrompt: '900',
fontWeightQRCodeBottomPrompt: '300'
billingAddressDisplay: {
city: true,
address1: true,
address2: true,
const elements = qfpay.element(appearance)
selector: "#container"

//trigger submission and retrieve payment response
const response = qfpay.confirmWalletPayment({
return_url: ''

Instruction Manual

import SDK library (qfpay.js) according to your environment and purpose

1. QFpay.config(params)

* parameters: optional, Object, default valie: {region: 'hk', env: 'prod'},
* region possible values:
* 'hk' - live/live test
* 'qa' - sandbox
* env possible values:
* 'prod' - live environment
* 'test' - live test environment
* 'qa' - sandbox environment
* return: qfpay object
* purpose: generate qfpay global object
const qfpay = QFpay.config()

2. qfpay.retrievePaymentIntent()

* parameters: N/A
* return: response code, payment intent is available for use if '0000' value, otherwise not available
* purpose: validate payment intent is correct and available for use
const intentResponse = qfpay.retrievePaymentIntent()

3. qfpay.element(appearance)

* parameters: optional, Object, {theme: string, variables: Object, billingAddressDisplay: Object}
* theme: support only value 'night', night mode,
* if values are set in variables, the style will apply those values only
* variables: {
* fontFamily: 'cursive', // Font Family
* fontWeight: '400', // Font Weight
* colorText: 'black', // Text Color
* sizeFontSubTitle: 'inherit', // Font Size
* colourBackground: '#fff', // Background Color
* colourPrimary: '#ced4da', // Input Box Color
* colourComponentText: 'purple', // Input Box Text Color
* sizeComponentText: '15px', // Input Box Font Size
* colourErrorMessage: '#da5d4a', // Error Message Color
* sizeErrorMessage: 'inherit' // Error Message Font Size
* colorPaymentButton: '#000000' //payment button color
* colorPaymentButtonText: '#FFFFFF' //payment button text color
* colorQRCodeTopPromptContent: '#000000' // QRCode Top memo text color
* colorQRCodeBottomPromptContent: '#000000' //QRCode bottom memo text color
* fontWeightQRCodeTopPrompt: '900' //QRCode Top memo font weight
* fontWeightQRCodeBottomPrompt: '300' //QRCode bottom memo font weight
* }
* billingAddressDisplay: {
* city: true // flag for controlling displayment of city & postal code in billing address
* address1: true // flag for controlling displayment of address1 in billing address
* address2: true // flag for controlling displayment of address2 in billing address
* }
* return:element object
* purpose: generate element object
const elements = qfpay.element()

4. qfpay.payment()

* parameters: N/A
* return: payment object
* purpose: generate payment object
const qfpay = QFpay.config()
const payment = qfpay.payment()

5. qfpay.confirmPayment()

* parameters:optional, Object type, {return_url: ''}, the page will be redirect to specific page mentioned in return_url parameter after payment completed. Otherwise, will stay in the same page
* return:
* 1. card payment
* return value:code, description, out_trade_no, syssn
* '0000' response code if success payment,
* otherwise failure payment, error message can reference to description
* 2. ApplePay
* return value:code, description;
* code value:'1111', Applepay payment cancalled
* code value:'0000', payment success, can refer to description value for payment status description
* purpose:return payment result
const paymentResponse = qfpay.confirmPayment({
return_url: ''

6. qfpay.confirmWalletPayment()

* parameters:optional, Object type, {return_url: ''}, the page will be redirect to specific page mentioned in return_url parameter after payment completed. Otherwise, will stay in the same page
* return:
* 1. card payment
* return value:code, description, out_trade_no, syssn
* '0000' response code if success payment,
* otherwise failure payment, error message can reference to description
* purpose:return payment result
const paymentResponse = qfpay.confirmPayment({
return_url: ''

Payment object and APIs

const qfpay = QFpay.config()
const payment = qfpay.payment()

1., params2)

* parameters:
* params1,mandatory,Object,
* {goods_name: '', paysource: 'payment_element'}
* goods_name: goods name,optional;
* paysource: fixed, value:payment_element, mandatory
* params2, mandatory, string, payment intent value from API
* extra special parameters in 'params1':
* customer_id: params1 optional parameter,QFPay generated customer Id
* token_expiry: params1 optional parameter, Token expiry date
* token_reason: params1 optional parameter, Reason for token creation
* token_reference: params1 optional parameter, Reference for token
* no need pass above special parameters if use payment function only
* if would like to collect card information for tokenization purpose, then need pass above parameters
* return: No
* purpose:set payment parameters
goods_name: 'goods',
paysource: 'payment_element'
}, 'SDF8980SFFSDF890SDF')

2. payment.walletPay(params1, params2)

* parameters:
* params1, mandatory, Object, { lang: 'zh-cn', goods_name: '', paysource: 'payment_element', paysource: "payment_element_checkout", out_trade_no: intentParams.out_trade_no, txamt: intentParams.txamt, txcurrcd: intentParams.txcurrcd}
* lang: language, optional, zh-cn:simplify chinese, zh-hk traditional chinese, en: english
* goodsname: goods name, optional,
* paysource: fix value, payment_element_checkout,mandatory
* out_trade_no: merchant order id, mandatory
* txamt: transaction amount in cents, mandatory. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control
* txcurrcd: transaction currency, mandatory
* support_pay_type: customize display of activited payment methods, optional, show all activated methods if not pass this parameter, detail parameter values please refer to the folllwoing description
* params2, mandatory, string, payment intent value from
* extra special parameters in 'params1':
* customer_id: params1 optional parameter,QFPay generated customer Id
* token_expiry: params1 optional parameter, Token expiry date
* token_reason: params1 optional parameter, Reason for token creation
* token_reference: params1 optional parameter, Reference for token
* no need pass above special parameters if use payment function only
* if would like to collect card information for tokenization purpose, then need pass above parameters
* return: No
* purpose:set payment parameters
* params1 support_pay_type parameter value list
* 'Alipay' // 'Alipay CN',
* 'WeChat' // 'Wechat',
* 'UnionPay' // 'UnionPay and QuickPass',
* 'AlipayHK' // 'Alipay HK',
* 'FPS' // 'FPS',
* 'VisaMasterCardPayment' // 'Visa/MasterCard'
* 'PayMe' // 'PayMe'
* 'ApplePay' // 'ApplePay'
* 'VisaMasterCardPreAuth' // 'Visa/MasterCard Pre-Authorization'
goods_info: 'goods_info',
goods_name: "goods_name",
paysource: "payment_element_checkout",
out_trade_no: intentParams.out_trade_no,
txamt: intentParams.txamt,
txcurrcd: intentParams.txcurrcd,
}, 'SDF8980SFFSDF890SDF')

3. payment.inquiry(params1, params2)

* parameters:
* params1, mandatory, Object, {syssn: string, out_trade_no: string, pay_type: string, respcd: stirng, start_time: string, end_time: string} | {}
* syssn: QF QF system serial no, use comma to separate mutliple values
* out_trade_no: merchant order ID, use comma to separate multiple values
* pay_type: payment type, use comma to separate multiple values
* respcd: response code, default all response code
* start_time: start time, format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', default current month start
* end_time: end time, format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', default current month end
* params2, mandatory, string, payment intent from API
* return: inquiry result
* purpose:inquiry payment result
const inquiryResponse = payment.inquiry({}, 'SDF8980SFFSDF890SDF')

Element object and APIs

const qfpay = QFpay.config()
const elements = qfpay.element()

1. elements.create(params1, params2, params3) --- support Visa/Mastercard card payment only

* parameters:
* params1, mandatory, string, card form id
* params2, optional, boolean, default value is:true, card form will show email address input if true value
* params3, optional, string, default value:payment, generate card form
* return: N/A
* purpose: generate card form

2. elements.createEnhance(params) --- support Visa Mastercard card payment, ApplePay payment, token creation, token creation in payment mode

* parameters:params: Object, {selector: string, email: boolean, tab: boolean, element: string}
* selector: mandatory, string, element wallet id
* email: optional, boolean, default value:true, card form will show email address input if true
* tab: optional, boolean, default value:false,
* true: element wallet switch way is tab
* false: wallet list switch way is vertical list
* element: optional, string, default value:payment,
* payment: normal payment mode
* token: token creation mode
* return: N/A
* purpose: generate element wallet
* NOTICE:tab parameter only effecitve in payment mode
selector: '#container'

In QA environment, default expiry time is 7 days. In Production/Live Test environment, default expiry time is 2 years.

Retrieve selected wallet type

window.addEventListener('walletType', ({detail}) => {
* detail: possible: ApplePay and Card
* detail:ApplePay, selected payment method is applepay
* detail:Card, selected payment method is card payment

Create payment intent API

Endpoint : /payment_element/v1/create_payment_intent

Method : POST

Header nameMandatoryDescription
X-QF-APPCODEYesMerchant code
X-QF-SIGNYesMerchant key

Request Parameters

txamtYesPayment amount,unit in cents. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control
txcurrcdNoCurrency e.g. HKD/ CNY (ISO_4217)
pay_typeYesPayment type e.g. WP credit card: 802801
out_trade_noYesout trade no of merchant
mchidNomchid, for channel use
return_urlNopayment success redirect url
failed_urlNopayment fail redirect url
notify_urlNourl for transaction notification

Response Parameters

"respcd": "0000",
"txamt": "123",
"txcurrcd": "123",
"sysdtm": "2022-11-14 16:15:16",
"out_trade_no": "501871840",
"payment_intent": "38aec7cef8564f309ea2265a454b8ca5",
"intent_expiry": "2022-11-15 12:34:34"