Alipay Pre-Authorization
Freeze Funds
At the moment only Alipay wallet funds can be used for pre-authorization, credit-cards are not supported. Authorization requests lose their validity after 15min. In case of technical or currency related integration difficulties please contact
for support. Merchants can, at any time, unfreeze the funds in which case the assets will be available for spending on the original wallet. In addition, merchants can initiate a transfer for a fraction or all of the frozen funds in order to collect money for open customer invoices.
Alipay pre-authorization currently supports the following currencies: AUD, HKD, MYR, NZD, PHP, SGD, THB and USD
![Alipay Pre-Auth process-flow](/assets/images/alipay_preauth_process-7d37b713314f9f9cb3cb9ec527f2c5b5.jpg)
HTTP Request
POST ../trade/v1/payment
Find the correct pay_type
for your checkout scenarios from the table below.
PayType | Description |
801801 | Alipay Pre-Authorization in-store QRC Payment - Consumer Present Mode (CPM) |
801808 | Alipay Pre-Authorization in-store QRC Payment - Merchant Present Mode (MPM) |
801810 | Alipay Pre-Authorization in-APP Payment |
801814 | Alipay Pre-Authorization Online Payment |
Request Parameters
Request Body:
goods_name=goodcode1&mchid=R1zQrTdJnn&out_trade_no=alipay201909261129164551bcdd40&pay_type=801802&txamt=1&txcurrcd=USD&txdtm=2019-09-26 11:29:16&txzone=+0800
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"pay_type": "801802",
"sysdtm": "2019-09-26 11:29:18",
"paydtm": "2019-09-26 11:29:19",
"txdtm": "2019-09-26 11:29:16",
"udid": "qiantai2",
"txcurrcd": "USD",
"txamt": "1",
"resperr": "Network busy, don't worry, we are fixing it (1297)",
"respmsg": "预授权发码参数异常或参数缺失",
"out_trade_no": "alipay201909261129164551bcdd40",
"syssn": "20190926000200020016004244",
"respcd": "1297",
"chnlsn": "",
"cardcd": ""
Parameter name | Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Public payment parameter | — | — | — | Please refer to the Public Payment Section for more details |
Alipay openid | openid | No | String(64) | Corresponding to the APP authorization method. |
Alipay payment code | auth_code | No | String(128) | Specifies the authorization code for scanning a barcode/QR Code. The auth_code returned is unique in each authorization. Each auth_code can only be used once and will automatically expire. For testing CPM with Alipay and WeChat Pay the auth_code can be extracted by any QRC reader or manually found in the consumer wallet below the barcode. |
Response Parameters
Attribute | Second parameter code | Type | Parameter name | Description |
Public response parameters | — | — | — | Please refer to the Public Payment Section for more details |
Unfreeze Funds
Only calls
when the merchant’s system encounters timeout and has to stop the subsequent processes, or when the pre-auth result is unknown. If you want to perform a similar task for normal pre-auth (freezing) transactions, please call
. After submitting the fund authorization call Order Inquiry, and there is no clear authorization result and then call Fund Authorization Cancellation.
HTTP Request
POST ../trade/v1/reversal
Request Parameters
Request Body:
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"respmsg": "",
"resperr": "请求成功",
"respcd": "0000",
"syssn": "20190722000302320081074842",
"sysdtm": "2019-07-22 15:20:54",
"txamt": "10",
"txdtm": "2019-07-22 15:20:54",
"cardcd": "",
"txcurrcd": "HKD",
"orig_syssn": "20190722000300020081074842",
"respmsg": ""
Parameter name | Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Merchant ID | mchid | Yes | String | The unique merchant ID is created by QFPay during the merchant onboarding process. |
QFPay transaction number | syssn | No | String | Multiple entries are separated by English commas |
External transaction number | out_trade_no | No | String | e.g. Developer platform order number |
Transaction amount | txamt | No | Int | Whether to pass this parameter depends on the payment channel, Alipay and WeChat Pay do not need to submit this information. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control. |
Transaction request time | txdtm | Yes | String | Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Unique device id | udid | No | String | |
Time zone | txzone | No | String | Used to record the local order time. The default is Beijing time GMT+8 (+0800) |
Response Parameter
Attribute | Type | Parameter name | Description |
syssn | String(40) | QFPay transaction number | |
orig_syssn | String(40) | External transaction number | Developer platform transaction number |
txdtm | String(20) | Time of the transaction request | Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
txamt | Int(11) | Order payment amount | |
sysdtm | String(20) | System trading time | Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss This parameter value is used as the cut-off time for settlements. |
respcd | String(4) | Return code | |
respmsg | String(128) | Information description | |
resperr | String(128) | Description error | |
cardcd | String | Card number | |
txcurrcd | String(3) | Currency | Transaction currency. View the Currencies table for a complete list of available currencies |
Deduct Funds
HTTP Request
POST ../trade/v1/authtrade
Request Parameters
Request Body:
mchid=R1zQrTd***&syssn=20190722000300020081074842&out_trade_no=alipay201909271528139576015cbf&txamt=1&txdtm=2019-09-27 15:28:13&txzone=+0800
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"respmsg": "",
"resperr": "请求成功",
"respcd": "0000",
"syssn": "20190722000302320081074842",
"sysdtm": "2019-07-22 15:20:54",
"txamt": "10",
"txdtm": "2019-07-22 15:20:54",
"cardcd": "",
"txcurrcd": "HKD",
"orig_syssn": 20190722000300020081074842
Parameter name | Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Merchant ID | mchid | No | String | The unique merchant ID is created by QFPay during the merchant onboarding process. |
QFPay transaction number | syssn | Yes | String | Fund authorization number |
External transaction number | out_trade_no | Yes | String | Developer platform transaction number |
Transaction amount | txamt | Yes | int | The actual amount of consumption, the maximum deduction amount cannot exceed the fozen fund. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control. |
Transaction request time | txdtm | Yes | String | Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Device ID | udid | No | String | Must be unique |
Time zone | txzone | No | String | Used to record the local order time. The default is Beijing time GMT+8 (+0800) |
Redirect URL | return_url | No | String | Redirect to address after successful payment. Mandatory parameter to submit for GrabPay Online. Alipay WAP restricts the return_url to maximum 200 characters. |
Response Parameters
Attribute | Type | Parameter name | Description |
syssn | String(40) | QFPay Transaction number | This number is being used when freezing funds, detucting money from the frozen amount as well as unfreezing funds. |
orig_syssn | String(40) | External transaction number | Developer platform transaction number |
txdtm | String(20) | Transaction request time | Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
txamt | Int(11) | Transaction amount | |
sysdtm | String(20) | System transaction time | Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
respcd | String(4) | Return code | |
respmsg | String(128) | Information description | |
resperr | String(128) | Description error | |
cardcd | String | Card number | |
txcurrcd | String | Currency | Transaction currency. View the Currencies table for a complete list of available currencies |