支付宝预授权目前仅支持资金授权,暂不支持信用授权;订单默认15分钟失效; 如遇币种校验问题请咨询技术人员或发邮件到technical.support@qfpay.com
获取支持;当资金授权发生之后一段时间内,由于买家或者商家等其他原因需要要解冻资金,商家可通过【订单退款】将授权资金进行解冻,收到解冻请求并验证成功后,冻结资金按原路进行解冻. 此外, 商家可以发起本分或全部冻结资金的转账, 以便收取未结客户发票的资金.
![Alipay Pre-Auth process-flow](/zh-Hans/assets/images/alipay_preauth_process-7d37b713314f9f9cb3cb9ec527f2c5b5.jpg)
POST ../trade/v1/payment
从如下表格中根据您的结算场景选择 pay_type
支付类型 | 描述 |
801801 | Alipay Pre-Authorization in-store QRC Payment - Consumer Present Mode (CPM) |
801808 | Alipay Pre-Authorization in-store QRC Payment - Merchant Present Mode (MPM) |
801810 | Alipay Pre-Authorization in-APP Payment |
801814 | Alipay Pre-Authorization Online Payment |
Request Body:
goods_name=goodcode1&mchid=R1zQrTdJnn&out_trade_no=alipay201909261129164551bcdd40&pay_type=801802&txamt=1&txcurrcd=USD&txdtm=2019-09-26 11:29:16&txzone=+0800
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"pay_type": "801802",
"sysdtm": "2019-09-26 11:29:18",
"paydtm": "2019-09-26 11:29:19",
"txdtm": "2019-09-26 11:29:16",
"udid": "qiantai2",
"txcurrcd": "USD",
"txamt": "1",
"resperr": "Network busy, don't worry, we are fixing it (1297)",
"respmsg": "预授权发码参数异常或参数缺失",
"out_trade_no": "alipay201909261129164551bcdd40",
"syssn": "20190926000200020016004244",
"respcd": "1297",
"chnlsn": "",
"cardcd": ""
Parameter name | Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Public payment parameter | — | — | — | — |
Alipay openid | openid | No | String(64) | Corresponding to the APP authorization method. |
Alipay payment code | auth_code | No | String(128) | Specifies the authorization code for scanning a barcode/QR Code. The auth_code returned is unique in each authorization. Each auth_code can only be used once and will automatically expire. For testing CPM with Alipay and WeChat Pay the auth_code can be extracted by any QRC reader or manually found in the consumer wallet below the barcode. |
Attribute | Second parameter code | Type | Parameter name | Description |
Public response parameters | — | — | — | — |
Only calls alipay.fund.auth.operation.cancel
when the merchant’s system encounters timeout and has to stop the subsequent processes, or when the pre-auth result is unknown. If you want to perform a similar task for normal pre-auth (freezing) transactions, please call alipay.fund.auth.order.unfreeze
. After submitting the fund authorization call Order Inquiry, and there is no clear authorization result and then call Fund Authorization Cancellation.
POST ../trade/v1/reversal
Parameter name | Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Merchant ID | mchid | Yes | String | The unique merchant ID is created by QFPay during the merchant onboarding process. |
QFPay transaction number | syssn | No | String | Multiple entries are separated by English commas |
External transaction number | out_trade_no | No | String | e.g. Developer platform order number |
Transaction amount | txamt | No | Int | Whether to pass this parameter depends on the payment channel, Alipay and WeChat Pay do not need to submit this information |
Transaction request time | txdtm | Yes | String | Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Unique device id | udid | No | String | |
Time zone | txzone | No | String | Used to record the local order time. The default is Beijing time GMT+8 (+0800) |
Attribute | Type | Parameter name | Description |
syssn | String(40) | QFPay transaction number | |
orig_syssn | String(40) | External transaction number | Developer platform transaction number |
txdtm | String(20) | Time of the transaction request | Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
txamt | Int(11) | Order payment amount | |
sysdtm | String(20) | System trading time | Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss This parameter value is used as the cut-off time for settlements. |
respcd | String(4) | Return code | |
respmsg | String(128) | Information description | |
resperr | String(128) | Description error | |
cardcd | String | Card number | |
txcurrcd | String(3) | Currency | Transaction currency. View the Currencies table for a complete list of available currencies |
Request Body:
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"respmsg": "",
"resperr": "请求成功",
"respcd": "0000",
"syssn": "20190722000302320081074842",
"sysdtm": "2019-07-22 15:20:54",
"txamt": "10",
"txdtm": "2019-07-22 15:20:54",
"cardcd": "",
"txcurrcd": "HKD",
"orig_syssn": "20190722000300020081074842",
"respmsg": ""