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Asynchronous Notifications


To configure your notification URL of choice, please send the address as well as merchant and store information via email to

Notifications are available for payments "notify_type": "payment" and refunds "notify_type": "refund". The request parameters from Asynchronous Notifications may include additional parameters in future versions. Developers must ensure that their programs can support new parameters. In addition, developers can get the latest development documentation from this website.


Upon successful payment and refund, QFPay API will send an asynchronous notification message to the URL address defined by the merchant. Merchant can develop an end-point to receive this notification message and update the status of a transaction accordingly. We recommend merchants to use the query function of the API in conjunction with the asynchronous notification end point to retireve the payment status. Asynchronous notifications only work with ports 80 and 443 due to security requirements.

Asynchronous Notification Rules

  1. The merchant will only be notified after the payment or refund transaction has been successful.

  2. Please send an email with your notification endpoint URL address to for the asynchronous notification setup. Our technical support team will setup the provided URL for you.

  3. Upon receiving the notification, merchant shall verifiy the message integrity according to signature verification procedure described below. If the verification is successful, the system is required to response with status code 200 OK and the string SUCCESS in the response body.

  4. If our API does not receive a response with status code 200 OK and SUCCESS message, we will send out asynchronous notifications at the following intervals after the first message; 2m, 10m, 10m, 60m, 2h, 6h, 15h. Notifications will stop when the response with status code 200 OK and SUCCESS message is received.

  5. One set of app code and key can be setup with one notification URL address only. Patners shall use one notification URL address for their sub-merchants.

  6. Method: POST content-type: application/json

Signature Verification

The signature generation method for notifications is slightly different from other POST requests. In order to generate the signature simply take the raw content and add the client_key to the end. Then hash the encoded string with the MD5 algorithm.

Step 1: Obtain the signature from the X-QF-SIGN field in the HTTP request header

Step 2: Attach the key to the end of the request body received by the end point

Step 3: Sign the string from step 2 with MD5 algorithm

Step 4: Compare the MD5 result with the signature from X-QF-SIGN, return an HTTP response with status code 200 OK and SUCCESS in the response body if the verification is successful

For code instructions select Python with the tabs below.
import hashlib
import json

# Client Credentials
client_key = "3ABB1BFFE2E0497BB9270978B0BXXXXX"

# Raw Content Data
data = {"status": "1", "pay_type": "800101", "sysdtm": "2020-06-15 10:32:58", "paydtm": "2020-06-15 10:33:35", "goods_name": "", "txcurrcd": "HKD", "txdtm": "2020-06-15 10:32:58", "mchid": "O37MRh6Qq5", "txamt": "10", "exchange_rate": "", "chnlsn2": "", "out_trade_no": "9G3ZIWTG1R3IVSC2AH2O5EGKJQ7I72QO", "syssn": "20200615000200020000641807", "cash_fee_type": "", "cancel": "0", "respcd": "0000", "goods_info": "", "cash_fee": "0", "notify_type": "payment", "chnlsn": "2020061522001453561406303428", "cardcd": "2088032341453564"}

combine_str = (json.dumps(data)+client_key).encode()

signature = hashlib.md5(combine_str).hexdigest().upper()


Signature String:


Response Parameters of Asynchronous Notifications

Asynchronous Notifications POST data in JSON form structured like this:

"status": "1",
"pay_type": "800101",
"sysdtm": "2020-05-14 12:32:56",
"paydtm": "2020-05-14 12:33:56",
"goods_name": "",
"txcurrcd": "HKD",
"txdtm": "2020-05-14 12:32:56",
"mchid": "lkbqahlRYj",
"txamt": "10",
"exchange_rate": "",
"chnlsn2": "",
"out_trade_no": "YEPE7WTW46NVU30JW5N90H7DHD94N56B",
"syssn": "20200514000300020093755455",
"cash_fee_type": "",
"cancel": "0",
"respcd": "0000",
"goods_info": "",
"cash_fee": "0",
"notify_type": "payment",
"chnlsn": "2020051422001453561444935817",
"cardcd": "2088032341453564"
statusYesString1 = payment success
pay_typeYesStringPlease refer to the section Payment Codes for a complete list of payment types.
sysdtmYesStringTransaction creation time in the system. This parameter value is used as the cut-off time for settlements.
paydtmYesStringPayment time of the transaction.
txcurrcdYesStringTransaction currency. View the Currencies table for a complete list of available currencies.
txdtmYesStringOrder creation time provided by the merchant in the payment request.
txamtYesStringTransaction amount in Cents. Suggest value > 200 to avoid risk control.
out_trade_noYesStringExternal transaction number.
syssnYesStringQFPay transaction number.
cancelYesStringTransaction cancel status:
0 = Not cancelled
1 = For CPM: Transaction reversed or refunded successfully
2 = For MPM: Transaction canceled successfully
3 = Transaction refunded
4 = Alipay Preauth order finished
5 = Transaction partially refunded.
respcdYesStringTransaction status - will be 0000 in the async notification message
notify_typeYesStringNotification Type: payment or refund
mchidNoStringUnique merchant ID. This parameter is only returned to agents.
goods_nameNoStringGoods name or marking. Custom goods name. Parameter needs to be UTF-8 encoded if it is written in Chinese characters.
exchange_rateNoStringApplied currency conversion exchange rate
chnlsn2NoStringAdditional transaction number added to the order
goods_infoNoStringProduct description
chnlsnNoStringTransaction number from the payment channel
cardcdNoStringCard number
cash_feeNoStringActual payment amount by user = transaction amount - discounts
cash_fee_typeNoStringActual payment currency e.g. CNY
cash_refund_feeNoStringActual refund amount
cash_refund_fee_typeNoStringActual refund currency e.g. CNY