ECR integration technical specification
4.33.24 update
1、After transaction and refund finished add moveToBack
to move to Home Page, type int defult 0
0:no need to Home Page
1:need back to Home Page
Support Terminal Model:
Landi A8 & A8S, All Payment Methods Supported. PAX A920, QRCode Payment Only.
POS-KEY is a secret key used to encrypt and decrypt the data. It is generated by Haojin App.
The default POS-KEY is f46b1f08bec1f39104792cc79ec9aacd
The default encrpytion is ON.
There is an option to switch on/off on merchant portal (MMS) or refresh POS-KEY. And, Haojin App refresh is required to be effective
Steps to refresh POS-KEY Login Haojin App -> My -> Settings -> POS-Key -> generate
Steps to check POS-KEY Login Shop Management Platform-> Settings -> Devices Settings -> POS Key Mgmt tab
2. Encryption
All data is encrypted by AES. The key is POS-KEY and the IV is qfpay202306_hjsh
The data is encoded by Base64 after encryption.
3. Request payload format
Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
amt | Yes | Double | Amount e.g. $10.1 => 10.1 |
func_type | Yes | String | Instruction code |
channel | Yes | String | Wallet name, refer to Channel list |
out_trade_no | No | String | Merchant reference. if not passed, the out_trade_no won't be passed |
camera_id | No | Integer | can select using front camera or back camera in QR code payment CPM mode 0: back camera (default), 1: front camera |
wait_card_timeout | No | Integer | can set waiting time, default 120 seconds, trigger timeout exception. |
3.1 Payment
For QR code payment, MPM/CPM mode is automatically selected base on last usage.
Front camera or back camera can be selected to use by parameter camera_id
Time to wait for payment in payment page can be set by parameter wait_card_timeout
payment_timeout : (1)、When set payment_timeout in card payment ,this time is the max time waiting for using card (2)、For other payment payment_timeout,this field is the max time for that transaction type int,value greater than 0
scan_type:specific scan method QRCODE_PAY SCAN_PAY
moveToBack:After the payment and refund process, it will support back to Home Page.This field is not necessary, default not back to Home Page. 0: No need back to Home Page 1:need back to Home Page
"content": {
"amt": 100,
"channel": "card_payment",
"func_type": 1001,
"moveToBack": 1,
"out_trade_no": "456799999999",
"scan_type": "SCAN_PAY"
For inquiry the transaction result, please use the Inquire API
2.2 Refund / Void
no password input is required in app when initialize refund request
specific parameters
Attribute | Mandatory | Type | Description |
orderId | Yes | String | QFPay transaction Id |
refund_amount | No | String | the default refund amount is the refundable amount of the order, support partial refund |
allow_modify_flag | No | Integer | 0: Not allow modification of refund amount (default value) 1: allow modification of refund amount |
for Visa/Mastercard, Unionpay Card and American Express Card, the amount of same day refund must be
full amount
"content": {
"func_type": 1002,
"orderId": "order_id",
"refund_amount": "0.05",
"moveToBack": 1
"digest": "9C8E9FB05C7C24B6CA04EBFA1263EF41"
3.3 Print receipt
"content": {"orderId": "12345678","func_type": 3001},
3.4 Print transaction summary
"content": {"func_type": 3002},
3.5 Transaction inquiry by order Id
new paramter out_trade_no
is supported
"content": {"orderId": "1234567890","func_type": 4001},
3.6 Cancel trade/refund request
"content": {"func_type": 5001},
"digest": "99CE8BF9C7304AC964522D10F51660B4"
content:data request payload digest: signature of data request payload (content), sort the parameters in alphabetical ascending order and concat them in key=value format, use md5 algorithm to get hash value which is signature
Generate signature
sample of generate signature
// original payload
content={"amt":100,"channel": "card_payment","func_type":1001,"out_trade_no":"456799999999"}
// sorted keys in alphabetical ascending order
// encryption
// !! if the value is empty, pass '' (empty string) instead
digest=md5(format_content + pos_key)
if encryption is enabled, the above payload will be encrypted by AES at content
, and the digest
will be calculated based on the encrypted payload.
for example
"content": "{func_type: 3002}",
4. Fields explanation
1、 func_type : business type
(1) 1001 Trade
(2) 1002 Refund
(3) 3001 Print receipt
(4) 3002 Print transaction summary
(5) 4001 Transaction inquiry
(6) 5001 Cancel trade/refund request
2、channel: payment method
(1) 、card_payment Visa/Mastercard
(2) 、wx WeChat Pay
(3) 、alipay Alipay
(4) 、payme PayMe
(5) 、union UnionPay QuickPass
(6) 、fps FPS
(7) 、octopus Octopus
(8) 、unionpay_card Unionpay Card
(9) `amex_card` American Express Card
3、amt: Transaction amount
4、orderId: Transaction reference number, the same as out_trade_no
5. Response format
{\"respcd\": \"6000\",\"data\": \"{"aaaaaa"}\",\"respmsg\": \"xxxxxxxxxx\",\"resperr\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}
1、respcd: response code
(1)、"4003",POS-KEY is invalid
(2)、"5001",Decryption failed
(3)、"4004",Request method is incorrect, may use POST request
(4)、"4005",Other errors
(5)、"4006" Incorrect parameter(s)
(6)、"5001",Decryption failed
(7)、"6000" request succeed
(8)、"6001" request cancel
(9)、"6002" request error
2、respmsg:Response message
3、resperr:Error message
4、data:response data from trade or refund request
(1) data fields in trade response:
respcd;response code
resmsg;response message
reserr;response error message
mchntnm;merchant name
sysdtm;QF system time
userid;store Id
busicd;business code
txamt;transaction amount
txcurrcd;transaction currency
chnlsn;channel serial number
paydtm;wallet payment time
udid;user id
syssn;QF Order Id
clisn;client serial number
out_trade_no;merchant order Id
cardscheme;card scheme, e.g. VISA, MASTERCARD, UNIONPAY, AMEX
(2) data field in refund response:
respcd;response code
resmsg;response message
reserr;response error message
sysdtm;QF system time
paydtm;wallet payment time
txcurrcd;transaction currency
txdtm;trsnaction time
orig_syssn;original QF order Id
out_trade_no;merchant order Id
syssn;QF order Id
chnlsn;channel serial number
txamt;transaction amount
originTxamt;original transaction amount
(3) data field in transaction inquiry response:
server_time;QF server time
cancel;cancel status
clisn;client serial number
opuid;operator id
syssn;QF Order ID
tradetp;trade type, e.g. payment, refund
sysdtm;QF system time
txcurrcd;transaction currency
origssn;original QF Order Id
customer_source;customer source, e.g. HK, INT
opuser;operator name
nickname;store name
allow_refund_amt; refundable amount
txamt;transaction amount
busicd;paytype code
respcd;response code
origbusicd;original transaction paytype code
chnlsn;wallet order Id
cardscheme;card scheme, e.g. VISA, MASTERCARD, UNIONPAY, AMEX
cardno;masked card number, e.g. 520000******1096
cardtype;card type, e.g. CREDIT, DEBIT
batchno;QF batch number
refno;QF reference number
6. USB data transmission method
- Connect the POS to the cash register via USB cable.
- follow the USB communication protocol to construct the data. See the ninth article for details: "Cash register & Pos communication protocol".
- Data response. The received data needs to be parsed according to the communication protocol, and then the data message is obtained, and then decrypted by AES.
7. HTTP protocol
- HTTP data transmission method requires POS host IP address and port. The default port of the HTTP method is 9001.
- Data message format: (1) Encrypt the data message through AES (2) Initiate the request through the HTTP Post request
- Request API (1) Trade: /api/pos/trade (2) Refund: /api/pos/cancel (3) Print receipt: /api/pos/print_receipt (4) Print transaction summary: /api/pos/transaction_info (5) Transaciton inquiry: /api/pos/query_transaction (6) Cancel trade/refund request: /api/pos/cancel_request
- The request header needs to be set. The request Content-type format is: application/json
- The request result needs to be decrypted by AES to obtain the response message data
8. TCP protocol
- The HTTP data transmission method requires POS host and port. The default port of the HTTP method is 9002.
- Cash register connects to POS through socket connection
- Data is transmitted through socket. The data format is the encrypted data of the data message after AES encryption.
- The result of the request needs to be decrypted by AES to obtain the response message data
9. Cash register & Pos communication protocol (USB)
9.1 Use scenario
The cash register and the smart POS device communicate through the serial port or Bluetooth to realize the cash register through the Haojin merchant App on the smart POS to collect and cancel the transaction.
9.2 Communication method
Serial port.
Through the Micro USB interface on the smart POS device or by borrowing the base to convert to USB Host mode, connect to the cash register via USB to serial cable.
USB is more stable than Wifi, secure, and easy to deploy.
9.3 Payload format
Field name | content | Description | Length |
Start indicator | 0x2f6e | start of payload | 2 Bytes |
version | 0x01 | version (static) | 1 Byte |
payload type | 0x10 0x20 0x30 | request response response error | 1 Byte |
response reference number | 0x01 ~ 0x7f | used for request/response, payload splitting / concatenation incremental for each, in loop | 1 Byte |
payload length | total bytes from Start indicator to End indicator | 2 Bytes | |
payload length (data segment) | total bytes of data segment | 2 Bytes | |
data segment | data segment, utf-8 encoding | non static | |
End indicator | 0x2f6e | indicate end of the payload | 2 Bytes |
9.4 detail explanation
Start indicator and end indicator
In order to avoid the situation that a data packet is split into multiple data blocks due to hardware reasons during communication, resulting in the inability to obtain the contents of the packet normally. The sender adds the start and end characters (0x2f6e) to each packet when sending the packet.
After the receiver receives the packet, it will check whether the first two bytes of the packet are the start character (0x2f6e). If not, an error packet (0x31) will be responded. Otherwise, continue to traverse the subsequent bytes until the end character.
0x2f6e is the hexadecimal representation of
(string, NOT the carriage return) in ASCII encoding
Payload error type
error type | description |
0x30 | unknown |
0x31 | format error |
0x32 | validation error |
0x33 | data segment decrypt error |
0x34 | data segment format error |
0x35 | data segment packets error |
request and response
When the receiver receives the request packet (packet type is 0x10), it needs to send a response packet to inform the sender of the result of receiving the packet. If the validation is successful, the response packet type is 0x20. If the validation fails, the response packet type is 0x32. The response packet number is the same as the request packet number.
response timeout
Response timeout is 1000ms, if timeout, the request is considered failed, and the device is disconnected.
payload length
- total length of the payload, from start indicator to end indicator
- payload length of data segment
- since the payload length is 2 bytes, the maximum length of the data segment is 65536 bytes
- it is recommended to keep the data segment length within 1024 bytes, if the data segment is too long, it should be split into multiple packets
Data pack splitting and concatenation
When sender splits the data segment into multiple packets, the packet number is the same, and the packet length is the total length of the data segment. The receiver needs to wait for the subsequent packets with the same packet number until the packet length is equal to the total length of the data segment, and then send the response packet.
The receiver waits for the timeout of multiple packets to be 500ms. After the timeout, the previously received packets are discarded. If subsequent packets with the same number are received, an error (0x35) response packet is sent.
Data encryption
The sender and receiver need to encrypt the valid data using the AES algorithm. The key is allocated by the service provider.
Key length 16 bytes 128 bits
Key offset ***** Algorithm mode CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) encryption block chain Padding method PKCS5Padding
Serial port settings
Baud rate: 9600 Stop bit: 1 Parity bit: 0 Data bit: 8 Flow control: off
USB to serial port line chip type supported
PL2303 HXD supported CH340 not supported FT232 not supported
The above chip types are the most common USB to serial port chips on the market. The stability and price of the three chips are the same, FT232>CH340>PL2303
Sample data
Sample data is as follows:
complete data request content(Hexadecimal format):